Creating a video -part 2

Memories of Paris 8 x 8 sm IMG_2293 My new online course… Many months in the works, I am finally launching it andI have it on my website.

In the process of creating it, I learnt how to do video, edit video, break up into segments, and then put it back together again to turn it into a course. I learnt a lot!

If you ever want to create a video yourself, here are some helpful tips:

1. Do not have a deadline.  You will surpass the date anyway….There are usually at least a couple glitches that will come your way.

2. Take the time to learn what you need to learn.  If you rush, errors will happen and you will have to start over and that will take even more time.

3. Write a really good text or plan before you start.  Add details and more details.  This will save you time in the long run.

4. Edit everything the best you can.  The better the editing, the better the video. Take out anything you do not deem essential.

5. Have fun doing too then show it off to your friends.  Ask them for advice about fine tuning your piece.



Making videos about your art

Message 12 x 16 sm IMG_2299 My solo show is now over so I was wondering what I could write about that would interest people and was somewhat new so that it would be interesting.  I decided that I would write about making my videos for the courses I offer on my site.

Making a video about your artwork is a bit like this image. You get an idea first.  The idea seems great so you think ‘why not?’.  This is what I did.  I recorded the information that I wanted with a video recorder I had at home.  Then, I could not get the video to download to my computer. Hours and hours later, I consulted an expert. They told me that my video recorder was too old!  I had to start again.

Once started, I found that I had to also learn editing.  More hours of learning later, some of it figuring out which program was best and then how to use it… Groan!  There is so much to learn!….Next was uploading the video in a format that others could see it.  Finally, it was done and I had a video.  What next?  Whom do I want to show it to?  You will find this in the next post……. a little mystery to keep you coming.

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