I am repeatedly surprised at what I retain after a trip. I tend to sample the new foods and talk about them repeatedly to my friends. After a trip to Mexico, I came back with pure chocolate from Oaxaca and made hot chocolate for my friends and family when I got back. We were in the middle of winter and it was perfect then.
My long term memories have left with impressions of what I saw and then I go to the easel and paint away. For the last few years, I have painted scenes of the weather. I am far from being a traditional painter but my trips lead the way to landscapes. These are not your run-of-the-mill landscapes but impressions of my experience there.
The skies have been a big influence as has the weather. My journey to the Himalayas in August is doing the same thing to me. I am painting skies again. This is as much a surprise to me as the next person. I have a tendency to abstract and rarely paint landscapes (usually). I will have to figure this one out……Maybe, you can help?
Below: Storm….